Apache Zeppelin Configuration REST API


Apache Zeppelin provides several REST APIs for interaction and remote activation of zeppelin functionality. All REST APIs are available starting with the following endpoint http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api. Note that Apache Zeppelin REST APIs receive or return JSON objects, it is recommended for you to install some JSON viewers such as JSONView.

If you work with Apache Zeppelin and find a need for an additional REST API, please file an issue or send us an email.

Configuration REST API list

List all key/value pair of configurations

Description This GET method return all key/value pair of configurations on the server.
Note: For security reason, some pairs would not be shown.
URL http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/configurations/all
Success code 200
Fail code 500
sample JSON response

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "",
  "body": {
    "zeppelin.war.tempdir": "webapps",
    "zeppelin.notebook.homescreen.hide": "false",
    "zeppelin.interpreter.remoterunner": "bin/interpreter.sh",
    "zeppelin.notebook.s3.user": "user",
    "zeppelin.server.port": "8089",
    "zeppelin.dep.localrepo": "local-repo",
    "zeppelin.ssl.truststore.type": "JKS",
    "zeppelin.ssl.keystore.path": "keystore",
    "zeppelin.notebook.s3.bucket": "zeppelin",
    "zeppelin.server.addr": "",
    "zeppelin.ssl.client.auth": "false",
    "zeppelin.server.context.path": "/",
    "zeppelin.ssl.keystore.type": "JKS",
    "zeppelin.ssl.truststore.path": "truststore",
    "zeppelin.ssl": "false",
    "zeppelin.notebook.autoInterpreterBinding": "true",
    "zeppelin.notebook.homescreen": "",
    "zeppelin.notebook.storage": "org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.repo.VFSNotebookRepo",
    "zeppelin.interpreter.connect.timeout": "30000",
    "zeppelin.encoding": "UTF-8"

List all prefix matched key/value pair of configurations

Description This GET method return all prefix matched key/value pair of configurations on the server.
Note: For security reason, some pairs would not be shown.
URL http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/configurations/prefix/[prefix]
Success code 200
Fail code 500
sample JSON response

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "",
  "body": {
    "zeppelin.ssl.keystore.type": "JKS",
    "zeppelin.ssl.truststore.path": "truststore",
    "zeppelin.ssl.truststore.type": "JKS",
    "zeppelin.ssl.keystore.path": "keystore",
    "zeppelin.ssl": "false",
    "zeppelin.ssl.client.auth": "false"