Generic JDBC Interpreter for Apache Zeppelin


This interpreter lets you create a JDBC connection to any data source, by now it has been tested with:

  • Postgres
  • MySql
  • MariaDB
  • Redshift
  • Apache Hive
  • Apache Phoenix
  • Apache Drill (Details on using Drill JDBC Driver)
  • Apache Tajo

If someone else used another database please report how it works to improve functionality.

Create Interpreter

When you create a interpreter by default use PostgreSQL with the next properties:

name value
common.max_count 1000
default.driver org.postgresql.Driver
default.password ********
default.url jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/
default.user gpadmin

It is not necessary to add driver jar to the classpath for PostgreSQL as it is included in Zeppelin.

Simple connection

Prior to creating the interpreter it is necessary to add maven coordinate or path of the JDBC driver to the Zeppelin classpath. To do this you must edit dependencies artifact(ex. mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.38) in interpreter menu as shown:

To create the interpreter you need to specify connection parameters as shown in the table.

name value
common.max_count 1000
default.driver driver name
default.password ********
default.url jdbc url
default.user user name

Multiple connections

JDBC interpreter also allows connections to multiple data sources. It is necessary to set a prefix for each connection to reference it in the paragraph in the form of %jdbc(prefix). Before you create the interpreter it is necessary to add each driver's maven coordinates or JDBC driver's jar file path to the Zeppelin classpath. To do this you must edit the dependencies of JDBC interpreter in interpreter menu as following:

You can add all the jars you need to make multiple connections into the same JDBC interpreter. To create the interpreter you must specify the parameters. For example we will create two connections to MySQL and Redshift, the respective prefixes are default and redshift:

name value
common.max_count 1000
default.driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
default.password ********
default.url jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/
default.user mysql-user
redshift.password ********
redshift.url jdbc:redshift://
redshift.user redshift-user

Bind to Notebook

In the Notebook click on the settings icon at the top-right corner. Use select/deselect to specify the interpreters to be used in the Notebook.

More Properties

You can modify the interpreter configuration in the Interpreter section. The most common properties are as follows, but you can specify other properties that need to be connected.

Property Name Description
{prefix}.url JDBC URL to connect, the URL must include the name of the database
{prefix}.user JDBC user name
{prefix}.password JDBC password
{prefix}.driver JDBC driver name.
common.max_result Max number of SQL result to display to prevent the browser overload. This is common properties for all connections

To develop this functionality use this method. For example if a connection needs a schema parameter, it would have to add the property as follows:

name value
{prefix}.schema schema_name




Name Value
hive.driver org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
hive.url jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000
hive.user hiveuser
hive.password hivepassword


Artifact Excludes


Phoenix supports thick and thin connection types:

  • Thick client is faster, but must connect directly to ZooKeeper and HBase RegionServers.
  • Thin client has fewer dependencies and connects through a Phoenix Query Server instance.

Use the appropriate phoenix.driver and phoenix.url for your connection type.


Name Value Description
phoenix.driver org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDriver 'Thick Client', connects directly to Phoenix
phoenix.driver org.apache.phoenix.queryserver.client.Driver 'Thin Client', connects via Phoenix Query Server
phoenix.url jdbc:phoenix:localhost:2181:/hbase-unsecure 'Thick Client', connects directly to Phoenix
phoenix.url jdbc:phoenix:thin:url=http://localhost:8765;serialization=PROTOBUF 'Thin Client', connects via Phoenix Query Server
phoenix.user phoenixuser
phoenix.password phoenixpassword


Include the dependency for your connection type (it should be only one of the following).

Artifact Excludes Description
org.apache.phoenix:phoenix-core:4.4.0-HBase-1.0 'Thick Client', connects directly to Phoenix
org.apache.phoenix:phoenix-server-client:4.7.0-HBase-1.1 'Thin Client' for Phoenix 4.7, connects via Phoenix Query Server
org.apache.phoenix:phoenix-queryserver-client:4.8.0-HBase-1.2 'Thin Client' for Phoenix 4.8+, connects via Phoenix Query Server



Name Value
tajo.driver org.apache.tajo.jdbc.TajoDriver
tajo.url jdbc:tajo://localhost:26002/default


Artifact Excludes

How to use

Reference in paragraph

Start the paragraphs with the %jdbc, this will use the default prefix for connection. If you want to use other connection you should specify the prefix of it as follows %jdbc(prefix):

SELECT * FROM db_name;


SELECT * FROM db_name;

Apply Zeppelin Dynamic Forms

You can leverage Zeppelin Dynamic Form inside your queries. You can use both the text input and select form parametrization features

SELECT name, country, performer
FROM demo.performers
WHERE name=''

Bugs & Reporting

If you find a bug for this interpreter, please create a JIRA ticket.