Zeppelin REST API

Zeppelin provides several REST API's for interaction and remote activation of zeppelin functionality.

All REST API are available starting with the following endpoint http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api

Note that zeppein REST API receive or return JSON objects, it it recommended you install some JSON view such as JSONView

If you work with zeppelin and find a need for an additional REST API please file an issue or send us mail

Notebook REST API list

Notebooks REST API supports the following operations: List, Create, Delete & Clone as detailed in the following table

List notebooks
Description This GET method list the available notebooks on your server. Notebook JSON contains the name and id of all notebooks.
URL http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/notebook
Success code 200
Fail code 500
sample JSON response
{"status":"OK","message":"","body":[{"name":"Homepage","id":"2AV4WUEMK"},{"name":"Zeppelin Tutorial","id":"2A94M5J1Z"}]}

Create notebook
Description This POST method create a new notebook using the given name or default name if none given. The body field of the returned JSON contain the new notebook id.
URL http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/notebook
Success code 201
Fail code 500
sample JSON input
{"name": "name of new notebook"}
sample JSON response
{"status": "CREATED","message": "","body": "2AZPHY918"}

Delete notebook
Description This DELETE method delete a notebook by the given notebook id.
URL http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/notebook/[notebookId]
Success code 200
Fail code 500
sample JSON response

Clone notebook
Description This POST method clone a notebook by the given id and create a new notebook using the given name or default name if none given. The body field of the returned JSON contain the new notebook id.
URL http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/notebook/[notebookId]
Success code 201
Fail code 500
sample JSON input
{"name": "name of new notebook"}
sample JSON response
{"status": "CREATED","message": "","body": "2AZPHY918"}